It’s easy for travellers to stop thinking about the amount of personal data they are sharing, the impact on their physical safety or overarching exposure to risk.

Join the City’s leading businesses as we look at the risks beyond corporate duty of care to gain valuable insights into:

•  The steps your business can take to protect your stakeholders, employees and assets worldwide

•  The emerging risks of an individual's digital footprint, what you should look out for and how to minimise the dangers without disappearing from view completely

•  What the realistic threats are to you and your travellers and how to ensure safety at an individual level

We hope to see you there.

S O C I A L   L I N K S

T U E S D A Y  26  N O V E M B E R  2019   8:30AM - 11:00AM

T U E S D A Y  26  N O V E M B E R  2019   8:30AM - 11:00AM
S H E R A T O N   G R A N D,  P I C C A D I L L Y,  L O N D O N, 
 W 1 J  7 B X

S U P P O R T E D  B Y